Shapers at summer Davos 2018


From the 18th to the 20th of September, the city of Tianjin hosted the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, the foremost global summit on innovation, science and technology, promoting entrepreneurship in the global public interest. It brought together more than 2,000 leaders from government, business, science and civil society from all over the world. With a group of fellow shapers from all over the world, our shapers Giulia Zanzi and Giovanni Porcellana were invited by the World Economic Forum to represent the Global Shapers Community! They joined three-day intense discussions and panels gathering forward-looking minds to explore the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolutions and take value-driven actions.One of the main themes of Summer Davos was Artificial Intelligence and how it will change our life.Giulia summarized the takeaways of this in three main points:

  1. AI is enhancing our understanding of the world.Hardware enhancement is allowing machines to compute big data and to learn: this is at the foundation of deep learning, and is unquestionably behind the explosion of AI from a developer’s laboratory to its massive exploitation with real-time applications.

  2. AI is changing the power structure. Artificial intelligence is a unique opportunity to bring equality and overcome infrastructure limitations. We need to make sure that AI is not increasing the gap between high-skilled and low-skilled workers but is actually empowering the broader population.

  3. The importance of human skills in an AI world. Skills needed are changing rapidly and the best skill to learn is actually the “skill of learning”.


Giulia and Giovanni, together with other Global Shapers who attended the event, were invited to participate in an exclusive session with Jack Ma, founder of the global giant Alibaba. Jack Ma shared the idea that “heart, values, and intellectual thinking are what can’t be replaced by technology”.

This was probably the biggest lesson from the Summit: the Fourth industrial Revolution needs to be human centric. All technologies need to be used in a beneficial way and artificial intelligence needs to be at the service of humans.

Are you willing to read more about the Annual Meeting of the New Champions?

Have a look at the articles below!


Manifesto for more equitable and secured access to food


Youth Voices at Davos